
Philanthropic initiatives

As a member of the Honda Group, we conduct corporate social responsibilities that are consistently in line with Honda’s principles and policies for Social Contribution activities.
To pass on to future generations the abundant blessings of the natural world, the fun of having dreams and making things, and a safe transport society, the entire Honda Group, as a good corporate citizen, will engage in activities that are firmly embedded in the local community. It aims to create a bright society for tomorrow that has hopes and dreams in the areas of local environmental conservation, support for children’s development, and the education and promotion of traffic safety. It will pursue a variety of activities hand-in-hand with the people of the local community.


Honda will aspire to become "a company that society wants to exist,” and will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, by serving people worldwide with the joy of expanding their life’s potential through its social contribution activities.

Corporate Philosophy

Honda will proactively exercise its initiatives in social contribution, founded on the fundamental principles of “Respect for the Individual” and “the Three Joys,” to support Honda’s universal passion: to improve the quality of people’s daily lives.

Activity Policy

  • ・Honda will earn social acceptance by creating empathy and trust through active community engagement and by being a good corporate citizen.
  • ・Honda will use its resources and by workforce to contribute to society from a global point of view, while maintaining the importance of each region.
  • ・Honda will promote and facilitate maximum associate participation in, and passion for, social contribution activities.

Field of Activities

  • ・Supporting our youth for the future
  • ・Protecting the global environment
  • ・Promoting traffic safety
  • ・Addressing local community needs

Examples of children’s development support initiative

Activities at local schools

Aluminum can collecting activity by elementary schoolchildren in Japan
In Japan, an aluminum manufacturer has an initiative in which they recover aluminum cans that have been collected by local elementary schoolchildren and donate sporting equipment and teaching materials back to the schools. Aluminum cans used for drinking are not very well suited to recycling, but factories convert the recovered cans back into resources as a community initiative, and those resources are ultimately reborn as Honda products. Also, during visits to the elementary schools to recover the collected cans, the company conducts simple lectures to teach the children the importance of resource recycling.
Communication with elementary schoolchildren in Thailand
In Thailand, employees visit nearby elementary schools every year, where they participate in clean-up activities together with the children and teachers, and repair and maintain external walls, sports grounds, and playground equipment.
They also donate much needed sports equipment and other supplies and give candy and snacks to the children. At the end of the day, the employees join in with the school population to play sports and conduct other community exchange activities.
Supporting activity to education in India
In India, under the concept of promoting education and healthcare, to push the education system forward and provide a good learning environment for the children, the companies install water purifiers and various fixtures and fittings in the local schools, build audio-visual (AV) rooms for online education, paint the walls and renovate the bathrooms. The extent of their activities is expanding every year.

Examples of activities to protect the global environment

Forest preservation initiative

Activities of thin out forests in Tochigi prefecture
In Japan, since 2015, together with non-profit organizations, employees have been engaged in an initiative to thin out forests that have been over-grown and run down due to a labor shortage caused by population decline and the aging of the population.
Interaction with the people in the community has been another aim of our initiatives. Employees participate in activities to build and maintain playgrounds for the local children and make time to play with the children afterward.
Planting activity in Thailand
In Thailand, in 2018, employees participated in a mangrove planting initiative in the Klong Kon Mangrove Forest near the mouth of the Mae Klong River, 86 km from Bangkok. Employees and local residents together planted 500 mangrove trees, with the aim of protecting the coastal region by protecting its biodiversity and ecosystems.

Examples of activities embedded in the community

Local clean-up activities

Clean-up activities in Tokyo
In Japan, every month, head office employees participate in a clean-up of the district where the office is located. People from the community, including from the local merchants’ association, local companies, fire department, and police department, gather together to conduct joint safety patrols, and to pick up trash such as cigarette stubs and empty cans that have been discarded on the roads.
Beach clean-up activity in Taiwan
In Taiwan, at Taiwan’s northernmost beach near Jiufen, we co-sponsored a beach clean-up hosted by the Honda Group. Together with employees of the various group companies, our employees cleaned up the approximately 2-kilometer stretch of beach, collecting large volumes of trash, from large items such as ship parts and scrap tires to regular household waste.

Other initiatives

Collection of plastic bottle caps

Collection of plastic bottle caps in Mexico and Japan
In Japan, we promote “eco-cap” collection activities in which plastic bottle caps are collected so that vaccines can be donated via non-profit organizations.
Further, in a similar initiative in Mexico, the caps from PET bottles are collected and sold as resources, and the proceeds are donated for children’s medical expenses, food, community aid, family counselling, and testing expenses.