Sustainable corporate growth requires harmony with society as well as the lives of individuals. Through providing services and conducting business activities that meet the expectations of our stakeholders, we strive to reduce the impact on the environment and society.
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Philanthropic initiatives
As a member of the Honda Group, we conduct corporate social responsibilities that are consistently in line with Honda’s principles and policies for Social Contribution activities.
To pass on to future generations the abundant blessings of the natural world, the fun of having dreams and making things, and a safe transport society, the entire Honda Group, as a good corporate citizen, will engage in activities that are firmly embedded in the local community. It aims to create a bright society for tomorrow that has hopes and dreams in the areas of local environmental conservation, support for children’s development, and the education and promotion of traffic safety. It will pursue a variety of activities hand-in-hand with the people of the local community.
Honda Social Contribution Activities
Honda will aspire to become "a company that society wants to exist,” and will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, by serving people worldwide with the joy of expanding their life’s potential through its social contribution activities.
Corporate Philosophy
Honda will proactively exercise its initiatives in social contribution, founded on the fundamental principles of “Respect for the Individual” and “the Three Joys,” to support Honda’s universal passion: to improve the quality of people’s daily lives.
Activity Policy
- Honda will earn social acceptance by creating empathy and trust through active community engagement and by being a good corporate citizen.
- Honda will use its resources and by workforce to contribute to society from a global point of view, while maintaining the importance of each region.
- Honda will promote and facilitate maximum associate participation in, and passion for, social contribution activities.
Field of Activities
- Supporting our youth for the future
- Protecting the global environment
- Addressing local community needs
Introduction of Activities
01.Supporting Our Youth for the Futures
Ongoing Support for Local Elementary Schools
In Ayutthaya, Thailand, we have been conducting continuous support activities for local elementary schools since 2018. These activities include donating sports equipment, providing educational materials, repainting buildings, maintaining playgrounds, and cleaning shared areas. Additionally, we support technology-driven education and self-sufficient food education initiatives.
Aluminum Can Collection Activities at Elementary Schools
In Japan, our aluminum manufacturing company collaborates with local elementary school students to collect aluminum cans, which are then recycled into sports equipment and educational materials. While beverage cans are not ideal for recycling, they are repurposed at our factory as part of a community initiative and eventually transformed into components of Honda products. During visits to schools for can collection, we also provide brief lectures on the importance of resource recycling.
02.Protecting the Global Environment
Mangrove Planting Activities
In Thailand and Indonesia, we work with local communities to engage in mangrove planting activities. Mangrove forests form unique ecosystems in brackish water areas and play critical roles in CO₂ absorption, water purification, and preventing coastal erosion. However, they are rapidly declining due to environmental pollution and climate change. Through these activities, we aim to contribute to the protection of coastal environments and local industries.
Participation in Honda Beach Clean Activities
In Japan, we actively participate in the “Honda Beach Cleanup Project” organized by the Honda Group. Together with local community members and volunteers from group companies, we strive to pass on “Barefoot beaches” for future generations. We will continue to support and participate in these activities moving forward.
03.Addressing Local Community Needs
Vehicle Donation to Areas Affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Honda Trading supports the activities of the Japan Car Sharing Association, which provides free vehicle rentals to disaster-affected areas. In response to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred in January 2024, we donated nine pre-owned Honda vehicles to the affected region. While modest, we hope this contribution will support the “freedom of mobility” for those impacted by the earthquake.
Support Activities for Agricultural Universities
In India, we have been engaged in social contribution activities across the country for over 10 years. Since 2022, under the theme of “Supporting India’s Agricultural System” for the environment and next-generation education, we have been donating Honda agricultural equipment to agricultural universities, supporting biomass-related agricultural projects, and conducting training programs for agricultural workers. Through these efforts, we aim to make a broad contribution to local communities.
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