
Honda Trading has continuously challenged itself to create and provide new value since its inception.
Now, we face the pressing question: What can we do for a sustainable future?
We will continue to seek optimal solutions to the problems faced by the global environment and society through our unique perspectives and ideas.

Honda Trading’s Sustainability

We strive to actively contribute to the preservation of human health and the global environment through all corporate activities, aiming to support the sustainable development of society through our actions.

Sustainability Basic Policy

The corporate principle of Honda Trading is: “We are dedicated to exceeding global customer expectations through creative and effective commercial activities, enhancing value and confidence.” In addressing pressing environmental and social challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and an aging society, we believe it is our mission to propose and implement solutions that simultaneously achieve environmental conservation, social prosperity, and economic development. Moving forward, we will continue to pursue coexistence with the Earth and sustainable growth, striving to enhance corporate value by meeting the expectations of our stakeholders.

Sustainability Basic Policy

At Honda Trading, we will implement the initiatives for resolving global environmental issues and societal issues, and will contribute to creating a sustainable future, by drawing on the knowhow and the global networks cultivated through our supply chain management operations ranging from the supply of raw materials to recycling.

  • 01We will blaze a trail for advanced technologies and new services and make them widely available, thereby contributing to the realization of a safe mobility society and helping everyone live a more fulfilling lifestyle.
  • 02We will work towards achieving carbon neutrality, by utilizing more clean energy sources and offering environmentally friendly products.
  • 03We will work towards achieving a recycling-based society, by pursuing the development, supply and utilization of recyclable resources.
  • 04We will conduct corporate activities with fairness and integrity, and will live up to the trust and expectations of the public.
  • 05We will respect the human rights and diversity of everyone without exception, and will promote the creation of a fulfilling work environment for everyone.

Material Issues and its Identification Process

To achieve a sustainable future, we have formulated six material issues from the perspectives of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG). These issues have been identified as priority themes that we should address by plotting the areas of focus that our company should tackle based on societal expectations and the importance of our business activities. This identification process also takes into account our corporate philosophy, business activities up until now, and strengths.

Action Goals

To achieve the six sustainability material issues, we have established specific action goals along with medium- to long-term targets.
We are committed to steadily implementing these goals, aiming to achieve the milestones set for the fiscal year ending March 2031, while regularly evaluating and revising our initiatives.

Material Issues Sustainability Action Goal 2030 Targets 2050 Targets
Achieve a Carbon-free Society We will contribute to the achievement of a carbon-free society through initiatives such as proposal of raw and recycled materials that contribute to CO₂ reduction, promotion of commercial logistics that impose a low burden on the environment, and the provision of new services that use clean energy. CO₂ Emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
46% reduction (Compared to 2019) Carbon neutral
Achieve a Recycling-based Society We will aim for the construction of a recycling-based business model and zero waste, from the supply of raw materials for the mobility sector to repurposing and recycling. Sustainable Material Handling Rate
(Amount handled)
Help Achieve Secure, Safe and Comfortable Lifestyles We will help achieve secure, safe, and comfortable lifestyles through environmental protection initiatives, including water and air, and the provision of mobility-related services. Net Sales of Environmentally Friendly Businesses
30 billion yen 300 billion yen
Make Contributions to the Local Community and Industrial Development We will contribute to local communities and industrial development through the development of and investment in new businesses that solve environmental and social issues and through job creation. Net Sales of New Business Segments
150 billion yen 1.5 trillion yen
Ensure that Diverse Personnel are Active We will produce talented people with diverse expertise, recognize their individual characters and skills, and aim to achieve workplaces that are brimming with energy where they can demonstrate their true ability. Appointment of Officers of Local Associates
25% or more
50% or more
Solidify the Foundation of Business Management To achieve sustainable growth, we will conduct ethical business practices based on our corporate philosophy and code of conduct and embark on efforts to solidify the foundation of business management. Number of Violations
0 cases 0 cases
HondaTrading HONDA We are a member of the Honda Group HONDA We are a member of the Honda Group