Notice concerning change of company name of subsidiary

MAP Corporation (Headquarters: Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, President: Kotaro Mizuguchi), a 100% subsidiary of Honda Trading Corporation which manufactures and sells aluminum alloys, is pleased to announce that it will change its name to "Honda Trading Aluminum Corporation" on July 1, 2023.

Under the new company name, which clarifies our position as a member of the Honda Trading Group, we will strive to further unify the group and provide higher quality services.

【Company name】
 Honda Trading Aluminum Corporation (On 1st Jul 2023)
【Head office location】
 320-9 Itabashi, Niisato-cho, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 376-0136, Japan
【President & CEO】
 Kotaro Mizuguchi
【Date of Establishment】
 July 14, 1994
 90 milion JPY
【Business Lines】
 Production and sale of aluminum alloys and Inspection of quality of aluminum and aluminum raw materials

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