HT 2040 Global Vision

Here at Honda Trading, we have formulated the HT 2040 Global Vision with the aims of realizing a prosperous future for people and society and contributing to a sustainable future through coexistence with the Earth.

Think new, Design for tomorrow

We will continuously challenge ourselves to create and provide innovative value offerings while harmonizing human society, technology, and the earth.



Think new, Design for tomorrow

The slogan expresses our intention for each and every one of us to think from new perspectives and with new ideas and to draw a new future in an age of uncertainty when predicting the future is difficult.



The logo design expresses our speedy action on the stage of our Earth in ever-changing times.


We will continuously challenge ourselves to create and provide innovative value offerings while harmonizing human society, technology, and the earth.

To achieve a sustainable future, it is important to achieve harmony between individual lives, society, new technologies and services, and the global environment. Through our own thoughts and actions as individuals, we will continue to create new value and offer solutions.

Our Five Efforts

We have established five action requirements for the achievement of the HT 2040 Global Vision and will work on these as a priority.

  • Effort 01Foresight

    Capture changes in the environment, society, and customer needs, and anticipate the course of action


  • Effort 02Flexibility

    Break down preconceptions by responding flexibly without being constrained by existing business conditions


  • Effort 03Co-creation

    Unite the thoughts of all our stakeholders and work together


  • Effort 04Acceleration

    Accelerate initiatives in a rapidly changing environment


  • Effort 05Integrity

    Always take responsibility for one's own words and actions, and work with integrity


A New Future
Created by
Honda Trading

In our aim to realize a prosperous future for people and society,
we will continue our challenges of using our global network to provide solutions and of creating and providing new added value through new technologies and services.

HondaTrading HONDA We are a member of the Honda Group HONDA We are a member of the Honda Group